Resource Allocation Planning Service

Directions & Maps

Directions from JPL to the DSN Monrovia Facility

map overview

4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91103

1400 S Shamrock Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016

Total Distance
12.6 Miles

Estimated Total Time
14 minutes


  • Start

    Depart 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA 91108 on Oak Grove Dr (East)
    0.2 miles

    1. Turn RIGHT (South) onto Windsor Ave
      0.1 miles
    2. Road name changes to N Arroyo Blvd
      0.1 miles
    3. Take Ramp (LEFT) onto I-210 [Foothill Fwy] towards I-210 / San Bernardino
      11.3 miles
    4. Take Ramp onto (W) Evergreen Ave (Evergreen Ave. runs along the 210 FWY) towards Myrtle Ave Exit
      0.8 miles
    5. Turn LEFT (North) onto S Shamrock Ave
      0.1 miles
  • End

    Arrive 1400 S Shamrock Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016